Xiamen 5-9 Nov 2015
Xiamen 5-9 Nov 2015
Joined Toastmasters District 89 Fall Conference in Xiamen and took the opportunity to know more about this beautiful city in Guangdong.
The city is clean and not so crowded. Looks like a nice place to live - spotted big and beautiful bungalow houses near North Bay Hotel in Jimei 集美 District.
Arrived Xiamen University too late to enjoy the scenery there. Can only imagine the beauty in the dark while strolling by the lake. However, managed to catch the magnificent sunset and enjoyed the cheap and delicious food in the campus canteen.
Feel at home as Xiamen is philanthropist 陈嘉庚Tan Kah Kee's birth place. Mr. Tan has setup many schools here just like what he did in Singapore. The other popularly revered hero is 郑成功who recovered Taiwan from Dutch occupation in 1660s.
鼓浪屿 is a car-free, small island full of European style mansions, beautiful gardens, lanes selling souvenirs and Taiwanese snack food. After the opium war, China was forced to open up鼓浪屿as trading port to foreign countries. Beautiful mansions previously occupied by consulate (such as US, UK, Holland etc.) are converted to commercial use. Found a gothic design Catholic Church. The island produced many talented pianists. Visited Piano Museum which houses many historic pianos with candle stand on its sides. Learnt about pianola (a piano which can play music with paper punched with hole. A popular toy for the rich before the invention of gramophone). Saw an angled piano but wonder how one plays it. Piano is more than a musical instrument, it’s also a beautiful piece of furniture.
Enjoyed food which I can find in Singapore such as 面线,薄饼, 粿條. Unforgettable first - took a taxi that broke down in the middle lane of a busy wide road and got down to help push it to the side.