Mae Travel

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

5天贵州游 25/11-29/11/2015

5天贵州游 25/11-29/11/2015



贵州的主角黃果山大瀑布不迅色,蛮壮观。水廉洞也顶有趣。陡坡塘瀑布与银链坠潭瀑布也不错。天星桥似人造的。  龙宫的特色是坐船游山洞。洞里打了很多彩色灯,感觉人工化。还好600年的天龙屯堡古镇古色古香,还算原汁原味,不太商业化。青岩古镇也有600多年,但比较商业化-到处卖卤水猪脚,辣鸡角,玫瑰花糖(麦芽糖)。这里还有天主教堂。



在顺安旅游区,看到很多矮矮的石山,鲜艳夺目的poinsettia (圣诞花)。到处种了palm(四旬期欢迎耶稣进城的叶子)。  少数民族布衣族的头包着布, 布的花样是焟染的。黃果似柑橘但偏酸。到处卖柑橘和沙葛(生吃)。这里出名食物有刺利干,波波糖,辣子鸡,酸汤鱼。贵州出产煤炭,中药材,茅台酒。


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Xiamen 5-9 Nov 2015

Xiamen 5-9 Nov 2015

Joined Toastmasters District 89 Fall Conference in Xiamen and took the opportunity to know more about this beautiful city in Guangdong.

The city is clean and not so crowded. Looks like a nice place to live - spotted big and beautiful bungalow houses near North Bay Hotel in Jimei 集美 District.

Arrived Xiamen University too late to enjoy the scenery there. Can only imagine the beauty in the dark while strolling by the lake. However, managed to catch the magnificent sunset and enjoyed the cheap and delicious food in the campus canteen.

Feel at home as Xiamen is philanthropist 陈嘉庚Tan Kah Kee's birth place. Mr. Tan has setup many schools here just like what he did in Singapore.    The other popularly revered hero is 郑成功who recovered Taiwan from Dutch occupation in 1660s.

鼓浪屿 is a car-free, small island full of European style mansions, beautiful gardens, lanes selling souvenirs and Taiwanese snack food.  After the opium war, China was forced to open up鼓浪屿as trading port to foreign countries. Beautiful mansions previously occupied by consulate (such as US, UK, Holland etc.) are converted to commercial use. Found a gothic design Catholic Church.    The island produced many talented pianists. Visited Piano Museum which houses many historic pianos with candle stand on its sides. Learnt about pianola (a piano which can play music with paper punched with hole. A popular toy for the rich before the invention of gramophone). Saw an angled piano but wonder how one plays it. Piano is more than a musical instrument, it’s also a beautiful piece of furniture.

Enjoyed food which I can find in Singapore such as 面线,薄饼, 粿條.   Unforgettable first - took a taxi that broke down in the middle lane of a busy wide road and got down to help push it to the side.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


茶马古道之旅,云南也!  (2014 年11月8 -13日)

云南省(简称滇)位于中国西南部,是茶马古道,也是小数民族之国。云南的西北是西藏,西南是缅甸,南則是老挝与越南。而围绕北与东是四川、贵州与广西。 茶马古道穿梭昆明,大理,丽江与中甸(有香格里拉之称)。它把中国的普洱茶,银饰等等运到东南亚,西藏,中东地区。

大理居住最多的少数民族是白族,丽江是纳西族。各族有它独特的文化,服装与语言。在昆明,彝族称女子阿诗玛,男子阿黑哥。大理有金花和阿鹏哥,丽江有肥金妺和肥金哥。云南人以肥为美,以黑为贵。这里海拨高,紫外线强,多数人都晒得黒黒的。而且云南主要以农业为生,所以男男女女都下田耕种。当地导游Sandy梁也介绍居住在云南南部西双版纳的少数民族-傣族。原来云南傣族和泰国人是自己人。傣族崇拜孔雀,喜欢模仿孔雀跳舞。 中国著名舞蹈家杨丽萍把优美的孔雀舞带世界舞台。

海拨高,沸点低。昆明飞机场就有1200米高,丽江玉龙雪山有5600米高。这里煮出来的米饭与蔬菜(如椰菜,马铃薯)都比较硬。我们在昆明吃烤鸭,大理吃野生菌,丽江吃三文鱼。水果有石榴pomegranate 味道象蜜瓜的人参果。大理还有青枣和蓝梅葡萄。 云南主要出产银,锡,普洱茶,翡翠,烟草,花,大理石,丝绸。
昆明九乡有高山,河流和石洞。九乡也是很多电影(如大兵小将,神话,新西游记)取景之地。 昆明大观楼有一副一百八十字的对联。这长联是一名寒士孙髯写的,上联写滇池风物,下联写云南历史。

大理的洱海,苍山与绿田构成一幅人间天堂的画。难怪这里建了很多漂亮别墅,公寓,独立屋与度假屋供本地与外地人投资。  大理古城好大又古色古香的。城内有学校,医院,平民住宅,洒吧街,商业街和一座白族庙宇式的天主教堂。 扎染布是白族文化。白族四合院除了一个大天井,还有四个侧天井。三杯茶也是白族特色, 一苦二甜三回味反映人的一生:2040岁是苦,4060岁是甜。60岁后回味人生。蜜糖,花椒和桂皮泡制的回味茶令我回味无穷。  武侠小说作者金庸的天龙八部的大理国就是描述古时的大理。虽然金庸误导大理国历史,他却让很多人认识了大理这个地方。  大理风大,树木都被吹歪了。这里有很多风车,空气清新自然,风景秀丽,真是世外桃园。听说白族杨丽萍的故乡大理双廊也是个好地方。有机会想再来大理玩一玩。

丽江三宝之一:玉龙雪山, 我们登到海拨3200米高,也看了巜印象
丽江》秀。这是张艺谋导演,以雪山为背景的露天大型表演。表演好壮观,动用500位小数民族农民。螺旋藻spirulina是丽江另一宝,是日本人发现的。 世界文化遗产丽江古城也是宝。古城很漂亮但也很商业化。古城内难找路,象八卦阵。我们以大水车为中心点,顺水而入,逆水而出。在古城内,商店到处卖以纳西东巴为主题的围巾,包包等等的纪念品。也有牦牛肉干,银饰与真皮包包。五花八门但大同小异。东巴是纳西族长。东巴文字是象形的

六天走完昆明,大理和丽江,行程蛮紧凑,路途遥远,走马看花。第五天从丽江坐了78小时车程回昆明。还好这六天的天气非常晴朗,可欣赏秀丽的风景,也把雪山的相貌看得清清楚楚。只是遗憾没有时间在古城闲暇地走走坐坐,喝喝茶,没有时间与空间在山上静静的走走看看坐坐。太多游客,太吵闹了-大家都忙着或争着好位置拍照。还有那些促进人流的缆车,电瓶车,索道, 滑道等等,把整个地方搞到商业化似的。这可能就是发展的代价吧!可以的话,我还是喜欢保存自然与天然一点。



潮汕美食团三天两日游       (2014    10 29 – 31 )



潮州三宝有佛手老香黄,黄皮豉和老药柑。潮州古城内到处可见三宝,也卖各种零食、潮州饼、糕点等等。古城外有潮州母亲河 (名为韩江) 与湘子桥。逛了步行街,我们前往长平路一间洒家享用潮州十八式风味宴。

一餐接一餐的美食把我们填得饱饱的 -- 有鹅

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Land of Avatar 21-28 Sep 2013

张家界 ZhangJiaJie, situated at west of Hunan Province (湘西) is where Avatar, Journey to the West (西游记) and many other movies are filmed!  The tall, beautiful, majestic, natural ‘floating’ rocks have attracted not only many local tourists but also hordes of Koreans to pay homage to this World Natural Heritage (世界自然遗产).  ZhangJiaJie is Korean’s back garden! Everywhere we go, we see signage in Chinese and Korean. There is a Chinese & Korean jointly invested and biggest ever McDonald restaurant, Mcafe on top of the mountain 天子山.  We fondly remembered the ride on the 335m tall German made elevator 百龙天梯 and the stroll on the boardwalk at the Grand Canyon大峡谷.  The cave 黄龙洞 was just ok.
West of Hunan is also home of the Miao/Hmong tribe
苗族 - a hardworking, tough, clever people who adore silver, embroidery, songs, ginger candy and dried meat 腊肉.  Phoenix old town 凤凰古城, the most western part of Hunan is packed with shops along small alleys and the river. In and around west of Hunan 湘西, we observed wild roasted chestnut, pomegranate and kiwi were in abundance.  We learnt that 湘西 was home of famous singer宋祖英 and writer 沈从文, 熊希龄
Prior ZhangJiaJie, we stopped by and leisurely explored Guangzhou city
广州市and Changsha city长沙市. Though the rain has lessened our comfort and the bus journeys to ZhangJiaJie and Phoenix town were very long, we still have had a good time and my sister was very pleased with her great buy - beautifully embroidered cushion cover with a flavor of 苗族 and 凤凰古城!

North West China 1-14Jun2013

Bhutan 15-24Nov2012

Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon
  home to majestic snow-capped Himalayan Mountains

Druk Air flies us to Paro, we then drive to Thimphu
  where the air is extremely fresh and cool

Kuzuzangpola1 we greet
  friendly and helpful Bhutanese we meet

Dochula has spectacular picturesque views
  Chimi Lhakhang has vast paddy fields

The Divine Madman2 created the Takin
  and propagated the image of the man’s thing

Betel nut the Bhutanese chew
  while watching the dance at Tsechu3

Dzong, Chorten, Lhakhang4 we visit
  bumpy winding rides make us sick

Stupa and Chorten we walk in clockwise
  chili and cheese we eat with red rice

Men wear Gho, women wear Kira
  we go for stone bath and ara5

Yak, horse and cow
  no cauliflower for now

Punakha6 Dzong is wondrous
  4th King coined Gross National Happiness

Beautiful black necked cranes

  winter roost in wide Gangtey plains

We get puffed out and take rest

  as we hike up the sacred Tiger’s Nest7

Bright shiny stars we gaze

  Wi-Fi access we give praise

Bhutan trades with India and Thailand
  Bumthang is Asia’s Switzerland

Bhutanese revere Wangchuck Queen and King
  we kadingche8 helpful Bhak and Tshering

Prayer wheels creak, Prayer flags flutter
  We adore Bhutan, the Shangri-la like no other

1   Bhutanese’s national language Dzongkha “Kuzuzangpola” means “Hello! “

2 Divine Madman refers to Drukpa Kuenlay (1455-1529). Takin is Bhutan’s national animal which has the head of a goat and body of a cow.

3  Tsechu refers to Festival usually to  celebrate the harvest and give thanks to God.

4  Dzong is fortress, Chorten and Lhakhang are temples.

5  Gho and Kira are Bhutan’s national costume. Ara is a distilled drink with almost 20% alcohol content.

6  Punakha is Bhutan’s ancient capital. Thimphu is the current capital.

7  Taktshang Monastery aka Tiger’s Nest, Bhutan’s most famous monastery is 3000 meters above sea level.  

8  Kadingche means “thank you”. Bhak is our guide, Tshering is our driver.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hong Kong Geopark 27 November 2011

On this beautiful sunny autumn Sunday morning, we (Istinna, Bobby, Yanpeng, Gibson n I) set off together with some 280 people for an unforgettable trip to Hong Kong Geopark 香港地質公園.

Hong Kong Geopark, situated east west coastal of Saikung 西貢(aka 香港后花园), comprises many islands which offer spectacular rock formations shaped by waves and weathering – wave-cut sea cliffs, sea caves, sea arches, rock columns etc. In the 5-hour trip, we sat in a boat to take in the scenic views, cool breeze and hopped onto 3 islands:

Yim Tin Tsai 鹽田仔 (little salt field) - a Catholic influenced Hakka village which used to make a living by salt-making, fishing and farming. St. Joseph’s Chapel, built in 1890, is an UNESCO heritage.

Kau Sai Chau 滘西洲 – a fishing village with another UNESCO heritage, Hung Shing Temple 洪聖廟, built in 1889. Also check out the interesting public toilet facility on the island.

Sharp Island 橋咀洲 Kiu Tsui Chau – we saw volcanic rocks (from more than 100 million years ago), wave and weather battled boulders that looked like pineapple bun 菠萝包. And on this island, Gibson taught me a geological phenomenon – tombolo 連島沙洲 a naturally formed bar/land that connects two islands. As it was low tide, we could walk on the tombolo as Gibson searched for sea cucumber (hoping to find one for his MIL!)

We thank Istinna for organizing this trip. And we thank God for creating this beautiful geopark where we enjoy clear blue skies, lucid water, clean beaches and fresh cool breeze on this sunny day.

What a beautiful world!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Macau – a different view

Macau – a different view 25-26 Dec 2008

I’ve been to Macau 4 times and ain’t impressed after a while – Ruins of St. Paul’s and the nearby museum are ok but I’ve been several times. Venetian is huge and beautiful, Fisherman’s Wharf is not too bad, but are they not just another commercialized entertaining places? Most of all, the inescapable image of casino with dazed gamblers is just too depressing for me.

Over this Christmas holidays, I see a different Macau through Helena’s and Moby’s eyes. Macau - a place with many beautiful churches and buildings (mostly painted in yellow and white), a place with a very rich culture and heritage, a place for great value-for-money shopping and dining.

We started our trip with a Christmas mass held at a local school compound. The Irish priest was friendly, the Filipino choir was zealous. The mood was very relaxing and indeed a joyous celebration of our Lord’s birthday!

Somewhere near the intersection of Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro (新马路) and Avenida Da Praia Grande (大马路), there is a special place with many beautiful churches and buildings within short walking distance – St Joseph’s Seminary and Church, St. Augustine’s Church etc. Sadly, some churches are not holding regular mass as the Catholic population dwindles from those days of Portuguese occupation.

We snaked through alleys to reach local shopping arena in Rua de Cinco de Outubro (十月初五街) and Avenida de Horta e Costa (高士德) where we bought good quality simple needs (made-in-China sandals, socks, undies) at amazing prices with good customer service. Along the way, we snacked on pork burger, local cookies/pastries and beancurd. We even took time to relax and exercise our limbs at a local fitness corner.

At Guia Hill (東望洋山), we had a bird eye’s view of Macau. We circled the hill while many locals jogged. At the top of the hill is Guia Fortress where a lighthouse and a church stand.

At Taipa House Museum, we learnt that Macanese (children from inter-marriage between Portuguese and local Asian ethnicities) is mainly Catholic, has close family ties, enjoys having party at home and adopts an unique culture of its own (like that of Peranakan in Malaysia/Singapore).

A trip to Macau is probably not complete without a visit to the Casino, especially in our attempt to get free ferry tickets back to Hong Kong. We gave up – it’s just difficult to gamble for 1 hour (without burning a big hole in our pocket and probably without losing our sensibility).

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Root Searching (part 2)

Root Searching (part 2) 21 – 23 June 2008

"Is the root edible?" Gibson asks. “It must be and very sweet too!” he reckons, otherwise why would 3 persons (Istinna's parents & sister) travel miles from Singapore the day before, to join 3 others (Istinna, Gibson and me) in Hong Kong, all wake up at 5ish on a beautiful (after 20 days of rains!) Saturday morning to travel 6 hours to Swatow to embark on this root searching expedition. We leave Hong Kong via Shatoujiao (沙头角) and enter Shenzhen via Yantian (盐田). The bus travels along the coastal path – very picturesque setting – the ocean on one side, paddy fields, fruit (mostly lychee) trees, big fields, farms on the other side.

It is good to be back to Swatow (汕头) – where everyone speaks Teochew, also a place where most young Thai Teochew Chinese claim it's their ancestral birthplace (a "fact" I learnt in my recent Bangkok trip).

After lunch in Swatow, we travelled about 45 minutes to Jieyang (揭阳) – our first mission – search for the root of Istinna's dad – the Lim 林 family. Jieyang town is very clean, and organized. We stayed at Rongjiang Hotel 榕江大酒店 which faces the landmark Rongjiang River 榕江 – a river that comes alive with musical fountain cum laser show every Saturday evening!

After gotten our basic “ammunition” for the mission – i.e. 2 taxi and address, we started off around 3ish pm to Guangmei (广美) – on the eastern side of Jieyang province. About 20minutes later, we were on the road - beeping one another on the walkie talkie, stopping now and then to make inquiries. At the 1st brief stop Shangweicun 上围村, we learnt it's a Ng 黄family village and we were redirected to another village “Gangkou” 港口for the Lim's. Here, we stopped for an hour or so while helpful villagers made contact and further inquiries for Istinna's dad. Our mission is pretty difficult considering there is hardly any contact between Singapore & China in past few decades or so. While waiting, we chatted with the villagers, provision shopkeepers, walked around the compound. We spotted longan, guava, mango trees. The most beautiful sight is probably seeing a herdsman herding his flock of milk goats past us.

Armed with a telephone no. of a local villager and a location, we set off again to a place called Linpan (霖磐) which is 1 hour away, on the western side of Jieyang. At 6ish pm, we found the Lim's ancestral home! Istinna and family chatted with the villagers, were shown around the place – where the ancestors lived etc. I was particularly delighted to see a Catholic St Joseph's Church right in the centre of the Lim's village – at the time of our visit, villagers were praying (in Teochew) the rosary (I think).

1st mission accomplished! We (particularly Istinna's dad) were very happy and relieved. Though tired, we all look forward to our next mission - search for the root of Istinna's mum – the Fang方family.

It was also a beautiful bright sunny Sunday! We hired the same 7-seater van and driver that took us from Swatow to Jieyang. The driver does not know Jieyang and Puning area very well but we are prepared – a seasoned navigator (Gibson) and maps! It was a day of getting lost, retracing the route, making u-turns, riding bumpy road (lots of potholes), making many stops to inquire – but both driver and navigator were rewarded with loud applauses from the passengers whenever we were back on track.

Prior to commencing our mission, we toured around Jieyang town – a walk in West Lake (西湖), a visit to 2 temples (城皇庙, 双峰寺). We were all tired walking in the burning sun and took air con cum sweet pineapple break at a McDonald's restaurant.

At 2ish pm, we set off for our 2nd mission – Guangdai (广太) in Puning (普宁) province - about 30 min from Jieyang town. We found the village (广太墟) but learnt that the ancestral line of Istinna's mum is probably at another place called Hongyang (洪阳). We traveled another 45 min or so to and fro, stopping to make inquiries etc. With many guidance angels (villagers who lead the way on bike or joining us in our van, and angels including another herd of milking goats we saw on the way) we found the Fang's ancestral shrine at Hongyang. At the shrine, Istinna and family paid respects to their ancestors. The shrine is well maintained and lavishly decorated with donations from well wishers – Fangs from overseas in Canada, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore etc.

2nd and final mission accomplished! We (particularly Istinna's mum) were very happy and relieved again. Indeed it's a day for Istinna's mum for this day is also her birthday! We travelled to Puning town to spend the night at Jinye Hotel (金叶大厦) next to the landmark Liusha river (流沙河). On the way from Hongyang to Puning town, we passed by Daba (大坝) where I found my Ng 黄 root last year.

The next day, another bright sunny Monday, we relaxed by walking in Puning town, visited the bookstore and supermarket before returning to Hong Kong. This is a heartfelt trip for all of us (esp. Istinna's parents) and for me, the trip also reaffirms the pride of my Chinese roots. Indeed, the roots are sweet (felt from the mouth to the heart) despite the slight bitter after taste (headache, fever etc from the travelling and weather). I would certainly encourage you to start searching and digging for your root if you've not already done so!